Friday, August 27, 2010

Guidelines for full paper

Guidelines to Participants


Interested students from engineering colleges are invited to participate this programme.

Except paper presentation and poster presentation for all other events spot/sms registration is allowed

Guidelines for Papers

The paper title (brief and specific), name(s) of author(s) and affiliation and address, centre justified, should be typed in a single line spacing from the top margin on the first page. The paper should begin with a abstract of not more than 250 words, describing the aims of work, methods adopted, results obtained and conclusion.

Note: Abstract should be sent through email( with your contact number and the year you are pursuing, after the paper has been selected for presentation full paper should be send to us within five days After the date of intimation (two hard copies and one soft copy)

Mailing Address:

Face 2k10
Department of Chemical Engineering
Adhiyamaan College of Engineering
Dr.M.G.R. Nagar

Guidelines for preparation of the full paper

The full text of the paper should be in Microsoft Word (two copies) along with CD with inbuilt figures, charts, drawings etc., after having been scrutinized and accepted, will be printed by offset process. Therefore, the text of the paper in English must confirm strictly to the following requirements and be free from errors. Only original contributions that have not been published or presented at any other forum are acceptable, and the paper shall be accompanied by the certificate to this effect, in the format as given below, (otherwise paper will not be considered).

Total Pages : Maximum 10 pages (including figures, photographs, etc., if any)

Font type : Times New Roman

Title : 14 points Bold Capitals

Author’s Name : 12 point Bold Upper/Lower

Main Heading : 14 point Bold Capitals

Sub Heading : 12 point Bold (Sentence Case)

Text : 10 point normal

Organization and placy : 11 point italics


Maximum two authors per team.

The abstract should be not more than 250 words.

Contact number and email address should be mentioned.

Deadline for submission of abstract is 15 September via e-mail.

Intimation will be given on 20 September.

Deadline for submission of full paper is 25 September via post.

Maximum allowed time for paper presentation is 6 minutes followed by 3 minutes questioning session.

Size of the poster should not exceed 1m*1m (flex/paper)

Maximum allowed time for poster presentation is 8minutes followed by 4 minutes discussion session.

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